Why constantly make purchases? Why stream everything? Support independent music by having a subscription to your favorite record label.
These are lifetime memberships – you keep living and we’ll keep putting out music.
Select your desired membership, provide us with your information, and the membership starts immediately. How easy is this?
This lifetime plan provides you with a permanent download that you will own of each new release. All MP3s will be sent by a link via email, usually about a week before the street release date. When you sign up, you will get an email with some of the latest releases to get you started.
Best Value! $250 is a big chunk of change, but this is for ALL products for a lifetime. This include CDs, vinyl, books, t-shirts. Anything that we release will get shipped directly to you, including small runs and rarer items. We will also start you off with a shipment of some our most recent releases. Invest in the music you love and be rewarded for years to come. We have lifetime members from all over the world, some have already been a member for over 10 years. Imagine all that music for one time investment.
Please note: Payments are also accepted @fakechapter via venmo. The price listed is the total to be changed. It is the member’s responsibility to provide Fake Chapter with updated contact information. Fake Chapter will not re-send any undelivered items.